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Looking for exciting new opportunities to engage with the arts on campus? Check out all the spaces where art lives and breathes.

Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre, Street and Davis Performance Hall, 莫斯艺术中心

The Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre at the 莫斯艺术中心 features superb acoustics and the technical flexibility and capabilities to present professionally all forms of music, 剧院, 和舞蹈. The space includes a stage with 60-feet-wide by 50-feet-deep playing area; a removable orchestral shell with ceiling; state-of-the-art 照明, 投影, audio systems; and two multi-level forestage lifts.


军械库是 视觉艺术学院' main office and classrooms for its foundations and drawing programs. The 军械库 艺术 Gallery features work by students, 教师, artists of regional and national importance.


In addition to being the main administration building on the Blacksburg campus, Burruss大厅的特点是3,003个座位的礼堂, where concerts and 表演 are often held. The building also houses interior design and landscape architecture offices, 工作室, 还有教室 建筑、艺术和设计学院.


这是大学总体规划的一部分, the 创意及创新区 on the eastern edge of the Blacksburg campus cultivates a community of creation and innovation. The district makes the most of existing programs and facilities already in the area, including:

  • 莫斯艺术中心
  • Institute for Creativity, 艺术, 和技术 (ICAT)
  • 表演艺术学院
  • 101年剧院
  • 视觉艺术学院
  • 斯奎尔斯学生中心
  • 纽曼图书馆 
  • 唐纳森布朗大学研究生生活中心 
  • 媒体建筑 
  • 传媒大厦附件

创意及创新区 Residence Hall

学生 in the 创意及创新区 Living-Learning Program can choose from three living-learning communities for the arts and entrepreneurship: Studio 72, 创新, 粉末. These living-learning communities help students connect their academic and co-curricular experiences and offer opportunities to attend arts-related programming and events and enjoy the creative spaces, 表演, 还有大楼里的艺术装置.


Located just within the main entrance to Cowgill Hall, 考吉尔游说 serves as the School of Architecture + Design’s exhibition space, through which a diverse array of work rotates regularly, often featuring the work of students in the College of Architecture, 艺术, 和设计, 以及教职员工, 校友, 以及客座艺术家.


The Cube is a four-story state-of-the-art 剧院 and high tech laboratory shared by the 莫斯艺术中心 and the Institute for Creativity, 艺术, 以及用于表演的技术, 浸入式环境, 安装, 和研究.


The 哈恩园艺花园 encompasses nearly six acres of teaching and display gardens on the Blacksburg campus. 不仅仅是精彩的生活艺术收藏, the garden is also a showplace for artists across the New River Valley and beyond, 具有广泛多样的视觉艺术.


赫马基特剧院 is a 500-seat proscenium 剧院 located on the second floor of 斯奎尔斯学生中心. An ideal venue for traditional staging configurations, 这个剧院音响设备齐全, 照明, 还有一个飞轨, dressing rooms are located underneath the stage for easy access.


亨德森圆形剧场, 由表演艺术学院编排, is an intimate outdoor venue located behind 101年剧院. 这个空间是讲故事的理想场所, 小型即兴表演小组, 音乐娱乐, 还有露天教学.


亨德森大厅是各种音乐的发源地, 剧院, 还有艺术项目, including the 表演艺术学院 and the 视觉艺术学院. The space includes critique and seminar rooms, 计算机与设计实验室, 服装商店, 照明实验室, 剪辑工作室, 场景和设计模型店, 数字化制作工作室, 还有十几个音乐练习室.


毗邻校友购物中心, 主要街道, 及书院道, 亨德森草坪 hosts all sorts of 表演 and events throughout the year and is programmed by the Event Planning Office.


首页 to the 弗吉尼亚理工大学 校友 Association, the 霍尔兹曼校友中心 showcases 校友 and local artists in its second-floor gallery throughout the year.


The 媒体建筑 provides studio space for the Institute for Creativity, 艺术, 和技术, 包括数字艺术和动画, 数字互动声音和媒体, 电影工作室.


Located at the crossroads of 弗吉尼亚理工大学 and downtown Blacksburg, on the corner of 主要街道 and 校友 Mall, the 莫斯艺术中心 is a thriving community where the arts are a catalyst for engagement, 灵感, 和发现. 中心是1,200-seat 剧院; an experimental performance space, the Cube; and four visual art galleries capable of exhibiting a wide range of traditional and trans-media works and 安装.


The mission of Perspective Gallery is to expand the student’s conceptual world through art appreciation and to encourage patronage of the arts. The gallery organizes exhibits by local, national, international artists.


The 朗诵沙龙 on the second floor in the 斯奎尔斯学生中心 is 首页 to many 表演艺术学院 music 表演 by students, 教师, 以及来访的艺术家.


孤独和分数家庭住宅, once used by enslaved members of the Fraction family and others, features public art illustrating stories of marginalized communities on 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s Blacksburg campus.


可容纳200多人, 小剧场 on the second floor of 斯奎尔斯学生中心 is a three-quarter thrust/modified proscenium space designed by 剧院 professor Randy Ward.


101年剧院 is a 表演艺术学院 academic building with a high-tech black box performance space that is regularly used for workshop productions and performance classes.